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Writer's picture: Tetsuya KTetsuya K

Lots coming up for the CCO! These Announcements describe Playing in the Park, provide links for the music for our July 20 concert, and invite you to a Zoom prep meeting this Tuesday for the Anniversary Concert. I. PLAYING IN THE PARK BEGINS SUNDAY JULY 9, AT 2:00 PM For the third summer, the CCO is hosting 6 performances in Allan Gardens, Sundays, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, from July 9 to August 13. Picnic after the final concert. The performances are divided into a rehearsal from 2:00 to 3:00 pm., then an informal concert performing the piece(s) just rehearsed and normally featuring a small ensemble connected to Counterpoint members. You can commit to playing by notifying Daniel Payne at or Tetsuya Kobayashi at, or just show up on Jarvis, south of Carlton, which is the west side of Allan Gardens Park, south of the Church, near the children’s playground. (Without notifying the organizers in advance, you and your instrument may need to improvise.) Music links will be circulated in advance, or sheet music will be distributed at the performance. The first two PIP events will be the rehearsals and performances of the pieces the CCO will play on July 20 - see the July 20 music information and links below. For PIP, please bring:

  • a music stand

  • your music (assuming it’s been circulated in advance)

  • clips of some kind or a plastic screen to keep your music from blowing away

  • sunscreen, a hat, and water.

Host Volunteer? There is a sizeable encampment in the centre of Allan Gardens, and there has been some negative press. The Board has concluded it has no actual safety concerns: there are no tents on the west side of the park; the CCO has not had any negative experiences in the last two seasons; people who live near the Park continue to frequent it, in large part, and encourage normal activities there. However, the Board has also decided that we will add a Host Volunteer to each PIP performance. Can you volunteer for one of the Sundays? Please respond to Daniel, Tetsuya or Liz Two dates are already covered - we need 4 more hosts, or fewer if someone can host more than once. If you are not performing at a Sunday PIP event, or have friends or family who may be in the audience anyway, perhaps you or they can host? Please respond with the date you or they can cover to Daniel, Tetsuya or Liz.

Host duties: greet passersby as appropriate; distribute a flyer about the CCO, as provided; offer a blanket to sit on, if available; keep close to the musicians’ “stuff” and keep an eye on it; notify the Music Director or Daniel if you identify any safety concerns; help with organizing CCO stuff at the end. II. SOUNDS LIKE A PARK CONCERT JULY 20 The poster for Sounds Like a Park follows at the end of these Announcements. Please circulate it to your friends and family. “Counterpoint Community Orchestra and Friends” perform the evening of July 20. Children’s activities at 5:30, music from 6:00 to 8:00. Not too late for you to join the other volunteer musicians. And audience members are encouraged for this new festival. Rehearsals are Sundays July 9 and 16, at the CCO’s Playing in the Park events, and Monday July 17, 7:30 to 9:30 at St. Barnabas Church 361 Danforth Avenue. No one is required to attend all 3 - attend what you can. Music: Musicians must print their own music from the IMSLP links available on Below are instructions to get them otherwise, but our website is easier. Programme:

EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK, K. 525 - Mozart, Arranged for both strains and winds (brass included):

  1. select “Arrangements and Transcriptions” tab - use “For Orchestra, (Thomas)” score

  2. click “Allegro - Score and Parts” and scroll way down to print out your instrument part

  3. repeat for the other three movements, Roamanze, Menuetto, Rondo

WATER MUSIC, HWV 348-350 - Handel. Focussing on string/woodwind movements no. 5 and 8, but the movements could change. Please print the whole thing:

  1. select “Parts” tab, use edition “Hans Ferdinand Redlich (1903-1968) - Halische Handel-Ausgabe

  2. although we will be focusing on string/woodwind movements, No. 5 and 8, it would be best for all instruments to print out the entire piece to allow for change

CLARINET QUINTET IN A MAJOR, K. 581 - Mozart. String and clarinetist Helen Li.

  1. scroll down to “Sheet Music” and “Scores and Parts” use “Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d. (ca. 1896) edition

LOCH LOMOND - Jonathan Quick. Both strings and winds (brass included).

If you can’t print the music for some reason, please let Daniel or Liz know and arrangements will be made to print it for you. III. 40TH ANNIVERSARY ZOOM CALL JULY 5 & MESSAGE FROM THE CO-CHAIRS Co-Chairs David Brownstone and Trish Tervit are inviting you to a Zoom call meeting discussing the CCO’’s 40th Anniversary Concert on June 15, 2023: “Happy Summer everyone! For those who celebrated Pride, we hope you had a joyful weekend. 40th Anniversary planning mtg Tuesday July 5th (note the change from July 4th), 7:30pm. Zoom link below. The Anniversary concert will be on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Avenue. We have some exciting developments for our 40th anniversary concert including the venue and a potential soloist. A few volunteer members have been compiling images and items from across CCO's history. We will be working on some key items to ensure the success of this concert, including fundraising initiatives, and further planning about the concert itself.

We hope you can join our discussion on Tuesday July 5th @7:30pm. If you're not able to join, but are interested in volunteering for fundraising, grant writing, decor planning, art work, programmes, etc. - please feel free to contact us directly: &

Topic: CCO 40th Anniversary Meeting Time: Jul 5, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 844 2191 6048 Passcode: 835442 Find your local number: Cheers! David and Trish”

IV. IMPORTANT CCO DATES: July 2023 to June 2015 Sunday July 9, 2:00 - Playing in the Park, Allan Gardens Park (July 20 rehearsal) Sunday, July 16, 2:00 - PIP, Allan Gardens Park (July 20 rehearsal) Monday, July 17, 7:30pm - rehearsal for July 20 - St. Barnabas Church, 361 Danforth Avenue Thursday July 20, 6:00pm - Sounds Like a Park, Counterpoint and Friends concert, Allan Gardens Park , 5:30 report time Sunday July 23, 2:00 - PIP, Allan Gardens Park Sunday July 30, 2:00 - PIP, Allan Gardens Park Sunday August 6, 2:00pm - PIP, Allan Gardens Park Sunday August `13, 2:00pm - final PIP concert, Allan Gardens Park. CCO picnic to follow. Monday September 11, 7:30pm - CCO’s 2023-’24 season starts. Rehearsal at The 519, 519 Church Street, 7:30 to 9:30pm. Rehearsals continue 7:30 Mondays, unless otherwise noted. Monday October 9 - no rehearsal, Thanksgiving. Monday October 27 - The 519 is not available. Discussion required regarding rehearsal at St. Barnabas. Friday December 8 - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United, 310 Danforth Saturday December 9 - Concert, Eastminster United Church (No rehearsals Dec. 11, 18, 25, Jan. 1) Monday January 8, 2024 - Rehearsals resume Mondays, 7:30pm at The 519 Friday March 22 - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United Saturday March 23 - Concert, Eastminster United Monday March 25 - no rehearsal Monday April 1 - Easter Monday. Discussion required re rehearsal or not. Monday April 8, 7:30pm - rehearsals resume at The 519 Monday May 20 - no rehearsal, Victoria Day. Friday June 14 - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United Saturday, June 15 - Concert, Eastminster United

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