Particularly important rehearsal coming up this Monday at St. Barnabas, 7:30pm:
(i) Message from our Conductor
"Both the composer and the trumpet soloist will join us this Monday.
7:30 to 8:30 pm Trumpet concerto
8:30 to 9:00 & 9:15 to 10pm New World Symphony
See you Monday.
(ii) July 20 Commitments?
At the 9:00 break, musicians will be asked if they can commit to “Counterpoint and Friends”, the July 20 evening, outdoor concert at Allan Gardens. A programme cannot be finalized until we know numbers and instruments, but the music chosen may be familiar and will not be difficult. The Board is hoping enough musicians volunteer to convey that we play as an orchestra, as well being a group of talented musicians who perform in small ensembles.
If you are not aware of the July 20 concert, this is a brand new opportunity to participate in community outreach through TMU and the Toronto Arts Council. Please see the May 19 Announcements posted on CCOrchestra.org for a full explanation. The orchestra is receiving an honorarium, equal to the cost of our summer programming.
(iii) Media Consent forms
Please sign a Media Consent if you have not already done so - the Door Volunteer will have them. Photos will be taken at the concert.
(iv) Group Photo after the Rehearsal
Assuming St. Barnabas’s electric sign on the Danforth is displaying our poster, at the end of the rehearsal Door Volunteer Robert Mansell will take a group photo in front of it. Please stay a few minutes late if you possibly can. We won’t be rehearsing at St. B. come the fall, and rehearsing there is now a part of CCO history we should record. (If the poster is not yet on display, we’ll try again on June 5.)
Name: New World, New Music, Inspiration from Tradition
Where: The Church of St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle, 525 Bloor East (Sherbourne subway station). Masks are strongly recommended.
Dress: Dress Rehearsal Friday June 9, 7:00pm.
Concert: Concert Saturday June 10, 7:30pm.
Tickets: $20 for adults, $12 for Youth (18 and under). Available from Helen Li at rehearsals, electronically on the CCO website, and at the concert.
Everyone is expected to sell at least 2 tickets. If your friends are buying electronically, let Helen Li know their names so that you get credit for the sales.
Helen will be circulating the list of musicians expected to perform on June 10 for inclusion in the programme. Please ensure your name is there, and spelled correctly.
A copy of the concert poster is attached for posting or circulating to friends and family.
The CCO has committed to our third season of Sunday afternoon concerts in Allan Gardens, as well as to the July 20 evening concert. They are quire different events, although TMU learned of the CCO at a Sunday concert, and identified us as a group willing to share the joy of music with the community.
Where: Allan Gardens, on Jarvis south of Carlton, in the shade beside the children’s play area
When: Sunday’s, 2:00pm, July 9 until August 13, 2023, with a picnic on the last day
What: A one hour rehearsal, or sight reading session, followed by a mini one hour concert
Who: All musicians. The concert normally features a small ensemble, as well as having the larger group playing the music just rehearsed or other familiar music.
Everyone is welcome to join when they can. No need to commit to all 6 afternoons.However, the programme committee (Daniel, Andrew and Gemma) should know what instruments are attending so that appropriate music can be chosen. Please come spontaneously if you can’t plan ahead, and be prepared to “wing it” with music, for instance a clarinet or flute playing with the violins. The point is to have fun making music together.
Here is the sign-up form to complete and submit so that appropriate music can be brought:
Thank you to those who attended the planning meeting last Tuesday. Although the Anniversary Concert is not until June of 2024, there is lots to do before then, including fundraising, applying for grants, collecting history and figuring out how to communicate it, advertising and promotion, community outreach, etc. If you have skills in these areas and can get involved. please email the Co-Chairs, David Brownstone or Trish Tervit, trishtervit12@gmail.com or davidbrownstone66@gmail.com or attend the upcoming meeting and announce your interest.
HELP WITH HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS? Anniversary celebrations are all about history. The Committee is gathering documents and photographs relating to the CCO’s history. We have a pretty good collection going back to 1997 through member Ron Mitchell and almost nothing prior to that. Do you have anything historical to share? Do you keep in touch with an “old timer” who used to play with the CCO and may have some memorabilia? If so, please email the Co-Chairs, or emitchell1727@gmail.com, or share your information with them as soon as possible when you see them at a CCO event.
Given the success of the Paul Willis Scholarship, which has provided two students with playing opportunities and the CCO with the benefit of their talent, the current Board of Directors has established a new scholarship to be awarded in the fall of 2023. Unlike the Paul Willis Scholarship, which runs for a total of 10 years, this new scholarship is for one year only; the student will be chosen by our Music Director in consultation with professors from Toronto music schools. There is a small balance available to get the next Board of Directors thinking about whether they want to make this Directors’ Scholarship a regular event. But we are delighted this new scholarship will allow more depth on our musical team for next season.
Please see the personal invitation from Andrew Chung in the May 19 Announcements posted on the CCO website. We are all invited to attend Chris’ recital, and perhaps to contribute financially to his master’s studies at the Juilliard, whether or not we can attend. In summary:
Recital: May 27th at 5 pm at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 477 Manning Avenue .
Livestream at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_WD0NLPDs8&ab_channel=ChristophChung, allowing you to enjoy Christoph's performance in real time from wherever you are in the world.
Concert admission will be by donation and can be paid through the gofundme link (https://gofund.me/518be5fb or by cash or cheque.
Please spread the word and bring your friends and family!
You may find the following about Dvorak’s No. 9 interesting:
(i) An hour long, podcast by Joshua Weilerstein, a violinist and conductor, available on Apple podcasts as “Sticky Notes” and also available at https://stickynotespodcast.libsyn.com/dvorak-symphony-no-9-from-the-new-world
Dvorak Symphony No. 9, "From the New World"
Sticky Notes: The Classical Music Podcast
Within three months of his arrival in New York, Antonin Dvorak was enamored with the sound of American music. Quickly he put forth what was at the time a controversial idea: "In the Negro melodies of America I discover all that is needed for a great and noble school of music..." This inspiration is threaded through almost every note of the New World Symphony, with a healthy dose of Dvorak's Bohemian roots and Germanic tradition as well! Join us as we explore this legendary masterpiece from every angle.
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/sticky-notes-the-classical-music-podcast/id1215386938?i=1000530394999
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(ii) a moving boys’ choir version of "Going Home”. A student of Dorvak’s put lyrics to the Largo movement after Dorvak left America. Available on Youtube by searching “Libera Going Home”.
Mondays May 29 and June 5 - rehearsals 7:30pm. St. Barnabas Church (Chester subway).
Friday June 9 7:00pm - Dress Rehearsal. Church of St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle, 525 Bloor St. W.
Saturday June 10 7:30pm - CCO’s final concert of its 39th season. St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle Church, “New Music, New World, Inspiration from Tradition”.
Monday June 26, 7:30pm - next CCO Board meeting. Emphasis on fundraising. If you would like to attend, please email emitchell1727@gmail.com
Sundays July 9, 16, 23, 30 and August 13, 2:00pm - Playing in the Park summer series of 6 outdoor concerts, Allan Gardens Park. Picnic finale on August 13.
Thursday July 20, 2023 - Counterpoint and Friends perform at an evening concert in Allan Gardens Park as part of a TMU performance series
Monday September 11, 2023 - Rehearsals resume at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm.