No Announcements this week as last week’s covered off tonight’s rehearsal. See below.
Only news: the concert poster and tickets will be available tonight; still looking for a non-playing Door Volunteer to do occasional 2 hour shifts at St. B. before and during rehearsals; no rehearsal next week.
1. MUSIC FOR REHEARSALS FEBRUARY 6 AND 13 Regular rehearsals resume at St. Barnabas (361 Danforth Ave., just west of Chester subway station, on Monday February 6, at 8:00pm. Thank you to everyone who attended the string sectional held last week. Tomorrow, February 6, we will be playing Schumann Symphony No. 1 only. On Monday February 13, we will be playing “A Stone’s Throw” between 8:00 and 9:00pm, and Schumann Symphony No. 1 from 9:00 until 10:00pm. Musicians are responsible for bringing their own music, and music stand. The Schumann link is available on the CCO website, in the Musicians’ Only portal, or here CCO’s Librarian, Bob Mitchell, has been distributing parts for “A Stone’s Throw” at rehearsals. If you do not have yours, or if you cannot bring a copy of the Schumann piece for some reason, please let Bob know as soon as possible at Bob will bring a part for you for either or both pieces. 2. DOOR VOLUNTEER NEEDED St. Barnabas is very concerned that we monitor who enters the Church on Monday nights. It’s a very downtown Church, with downtown concerns. Nothing to do with us, but one day the Church staff found a stranger in the basement who had entered the premises while a tenant was in charge. Since the Church runs a very active and successful daycare programme in the daytime, it is especially concerned that access to the premises is carefully controlled. Accordingly, the CCO has agreed to monitor attendance for our group, and to ensure that someone sits in the vestibule from 7:30pm until the end of our break at 9:10pm. You have, no doubt, met the two current Door Volunteers, Robert Mansell and Paul Rodger. Robert and Paul would like to have a third person join their team so that they do not need to attend at St. Barnabas as frequently and can cover off when one of them is unavailable. Do you know a non-playing person willing to talk to Robert and Paul about the possibility of also becoming a Door Volunteer? If so, please send the name and email address to and one of them will be in touch. 3. IMPORTANT CCO DATES February to April, 2023 February 6 - rehearsal St. Barnabas, 8:00pmFebruary 13 - rehearsal, St. Barnabas, 8:00pm. Tickets will be distributed to “Hello Spring”. Each musician is expected to sell at least 2. ($20 for adults; $12 for youth)February 20 - NO REHEARSAL - Family Day February 27 - rehearsal St. Barnabas, 8:00pm. March 6 - rehearsal St. Barnabas, 8:00pm March 13 - rehearsal, St. Barnabas, 8:00pm March 20 - rehearsal, St. Barnabas, 8:00pmFriday March 24 - Dress Rehearsal, St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle Anglican Church, 525 Bloor Street East, 7:00pm. (This is a lovely, historic Church, built in 1887.)Saturday March 25 - Concert “Hello Spring” - St. Peter and St. Simon Church - Musicians 6:30 - Concert 7:30pm until 9:15pm. Masks required for the audience and for musicians when not actually playing a wind or brass instrument. Monday March 27 - NO REHEARSAL April 3 - Rehearsals resume, 8:00pm, St. Barnabas.