JANUARY 19, 2024
Short Announcements of interest primarily to musicians: reminder of String Sectional rehearsals this week, and a warning to delay printing your Hoffman sheet music until after January 22.
This coming Monday is a rehearsal for strings only. Winds and brass - enjoy your evening off.
Musicians please bring your music and music stand.
Musicians who have completed their two free trial rehearsals and wish to join the CCO now need to fill our an Application for Membership form, sign a Media Consent form, and pay fees. Please see the Door Volunteer at the rehearsal. Fees are $80 until the end of June; students are half fee. Fees can be reduced or waived if payment will cause financial hardship - speak to the Chair or email emitchell1727@gmail.com.
If something has come up and you cannot play at the March 23 concert, please advise Concertmaster Gemma Donn at the rehearsal or at donn.gemma@gmail.com.
Last week’s Announcements contained a link to Joshua Weilerstein’s Sticky Notes podcast on Beethoven’s third symphony. As several people found it interesting and informative, here is the link again https://stickynotespodcast.libsyn.com/beethoven-symphony-no-3-eroica
Please note that mistakes have been found in the Henrich Hoffman: Kozertstuck Op.98 sheet music that was posted on the Musiians Only page. These are being corrected right now. Please print or re-print your part for that work after January 22, 2024.
If you do not yet have an account on the CCO website, CCorchestra.org, please create one following the steps on the site. Any issues, see Tetsuya Kobayashi, flute, at rehearsals or contact him at tty103g@gmail.com. The links to the March concert music, recordings of the December concert, and photos from our holiday concert are on the CCO site, Musicians Only page. Musicians can upload and share photos or recordings directly onto that page: https://www.ccorchestra.org/photo-gallery.
Our March 23 concert, Romantic Echoes, will be organized identically to the December concert: Eastminster Church, 7:30 start, tickets $20 for adults, $12 for students, cookies for sale at the intermission, 50/50 raffle tickets for sale before the concert begins and at the intermission, with a draw at the end.
Electronic ticket sales are already available on our website CCorchestra.org. Printed tickets and the concert posters will be available in early February.
In the meantime, the CCO’s first poster, that advertises all three of our concerts, is available from the Door Volunteers at rehearsals. As it provides the date and time for both our March and June concerts, these are well worth posting now. They can be replaced in a few weeks when the posters specific to March 23 are available.
Volunteers - musicians who are not performing on March 23, or your friends and family members who are not playing, may enjoy being a concert volunteer. For instance, the 50/50 draw needs a leader plus ticket sellers; in addition, several years ago, a CCO volunteer acted as a Stage Manager on concert night, and that seems like a good idea. Maybe you know someone who would enjoy the experience of being a Stage Manager? Volunteers can email emitchell1727@gmail.com.
If you are attending rehearsals, but have a conflict and cannot perform on March 23, please let concertmasters Gemma Donn know asap at donn.gemma@gmail.com.
Monday January 22 - string sectional rehearsal at The 519, 7:30pm to 9:30pm. (No winds or brass required)
Monday February 19 - Family Day. Possibly no rehearsal.
Thursday February 29 - CCO Board meeting by Zoom. Members can request a Zoom invitation to attend from emtichell1727@gmail.com.
Friday March 22 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Romantic Echoes” at Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. (Chester subw
Saturday March 23 - 7:30pm Romantic Echoes Concert, Eastminster United Church
(No rehearsal Monday March 25)
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday. Discussion required re rehearsal or not.
Monday April 8, 7:30pm - rehearsals resume Mondays 7:30 to 9:30pm at The 519 Community Centre
Monday May 20 - no rehearsal - Victoria Day
Monday May 27 - rehearsals resume at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm
Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Melodies of Pride and Progress", Eastminster United Church
Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert, plus a post concert reception, and other celebratory events, Eastminster United Church.