1. REHEARSAL MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 Our Musical Director, Andrew Chung, has planned the following for this coming Monday’s rehearsal: 8:00 to 9:00pm Britten, and the Hansel und Gretel Overture; from 9:00 to 10:00, Mozart ‘s Exsultate and Handel’s Rejoice Greatly, with Rebecca Gray. Music:
1. Overture to Hansel und Gretel (Vorspiel) - Humperdinck https://imslp.org/wiki/H%C3%A4nsel_und_Gretel_(Humperdinck,
2. Adagio from Clarinet Concerto. Mozart (ie Second
movement only) (featuring CCO member Helen Li)
3. Messiah - Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion - Handel ( Just
the one aria) https://imslp.org/wiki/Messiah,_HWV_56_(Handel,_George_Frid
4. Journeys, for Angela Swan - Andrew McClure - parts
distributed at the rehearsal
5 Soirees Musicales - Britten - parts distributed at the rehearsal
6. Sing-Along with Rebecca Gray - TBA
7. Mozart Exsultate Jubilate. https://imslp.org/wiki/Exsultate%2C_jubilate%2C_K.165%2F158a
8. Christmas Festival – parts to be distributed at rehearsal
Forms (Membership, Media Consent, Risk Acknowledgment) are available at the entrance if you have not already done so, and our Door Volunteer, Paul Rodger, can accept cash or cheques for overdue membership fees. Posters for the December 10 concert should be available at this rehearsal. Please take some and do your part to advertise and promote our upcoming event to your family and friends and on your neighborhood bulletin boards. A few volunteers are still required for the December 10 concert. If you know someone interested in taking tickets and ushering, please have that person email emitchell1727@gmail.com before November 6. 2. NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of CCO’s Board of Directors is Thursday, November 10, 7:00pm by Zoom. Members are entitled to attend. Topic: CCO Board of Directors’ Zoom Meeting Time: Nov 10, 2022, 07:00 PM America/Toronto Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86176331940?pwd=UjZxbzlyY05ab1ZLaVoySUNiUGlEUT09 Meeting ID: 861 7633 1940 Passcode: 596968