FEBRUARY 1, 2024
February already! Good thing it feels like spring.
Rehearsals continue Mondays, at The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street, 7:30 to 9:30pm. Music Director Andrew Chung will start this Monday with Hoffmann’s (and Tetsuya’s) flute concerto, followed, after the break, by the 2nd and 3rd movements of Beethoven’s Third.
Tetsuya found several errors in the Hoffmann sheet music parts as originally posted on the Musicians’ Only portal. If you have not printed your Hoffmann sheet music since January 22, 2024 please do so. You will know you have a corrected part if there is an asterisk * in the title.
Break snacks - first violins please.
Feb. 12 rehearsal - snacks from violas and cellos please.
If you are attending rehearsals but not playing the March 23 concert for any reason, please advise Concertmaster Gemma Donn, donn.gemma@gmail.com, asap.
If you do not yet have an account on the CCO website, CCorchestra.org, please create one following the steps on the site. Any issues, see Tetsuya Kobayashi, flute, at rehearsals or contact him at tty103g@gmail.com.
On the Musicians Only page you will find links to the sheet music for all CCO concerts, photos and recordings of past concerts. Musicians can upload and share photos or recordings directly onto that page: https://www.ccorchestra.org/photo-gallery.
We are all looking forward to hearing Tetsuya as a soloist on March 23 in “Romantic Echoes” !
(i) Tickets - will be at rehearsal possibly on Feb. 5, and definitely on Feb. 12. Helen Li will once again keep track of musician ticket sales. Each musician is expected to sell at least 2 tickets. Same price as previous concerts: $20 for adults, $12 for students.
(ii) Posters - will arrive at the same rehearsal as the tickets. Please plan to post some in your neighbourhood - it’s a good way of advertising this specific concert, of making local merchants with bulletin boards aware of the CCO, and ensuring downtown Torontonians have at least heard our name and may come to a future concert.
(iii) 50/50 Draw - given the success of the 50/50 raffle at our holiday concert, we will again hold a raffle. Payment electronically did not work well in December. Accordingly, remind your friends and family to bring cash: $5.00 for a single ticket; $10 for three; $20 for an “arm’s length” (clearly the best deal!). In December, the winner took home $600, and so did the CCO. That amount covers, for example, the cost of two concert ringer musicians - a meaningful contribution to the CCO’s concert costs.
(iv) Refreshments - this was another successful fundraiser at the Christmas concert. While our audience may have donated more because some cookies looked like jingle bells, many just seem willing to donate because the musicians went to the effort of providing refreshments for them at the intermission. Accordingly, musicians, please plan to donate some cookies. There will also be water. A reminder that Eastminster has a policy that no food or drink be consumed in the actual Sanctuary.
potential press coverage - a video producer and reporter, Andre Tardif, from Outlook TV (broadcast on the OUTtv cable network and on their subscription streaming service) wants to pitch a 3 to 3.5 minute video about the CCO’s 40th Anniversary - could be great coverage for us! He wants to attend a rehearsal, do some filming, and talk to some musicians. This may happen in early March - we hope it could lead to some coverage of the March 23 concert as well.
using the feedback about concert dress obtained at the last rehearsal, Kataya Applegath (Vn II) will come up with suggested designs and will seek musician input again in a few weeks
Russell Westkirk found a significant donor, Catherine Martin, who has donated the funds necessary for a post-concert reception in the Unitarian Church hall, at the back of Eastminster. We’ll see if the Eastminster management will allow a brief viewing of the space on March 23.
a “Former Members’ Project" is underway. We are listing all the musicians’ names from the programme collection that Ron Mitchell has loaned the committee. Once a preliminary list is ready, we’ll post it on the Musicians Only site, and seek assistance in identifying more names and reaching out to former players
historical documents - there will be a video slide show playing of various historical documents, as well as display tables to show photos and other memorabilia. Please post your photos on the Musicians Only site so that they can be considered for inclusion in these displays
we are applying to Pride Toronto for official recognition as a Pride event.
Monday February 5 - rehearsals continue Mondays, 7:30 to 9:30, at The 519, 519 Church Street. (Snacks - First Violins; Feb. 12 Cellos and Violas)
Monday February 19 - Family Day holiday. No rehearsal.
Friday March 22 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Romantic Echoes” at Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. (Chester subway)
Saturday March 23 - 7:30pm Romantic Echoes Concert, Eastminster United Church
Monday March 25 - no rehearsal
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday. Discussion required re rehearsal or not.
Monday April 8, 7:30pm - rehearsals resume Mondays 7:30 to 9:30pm at The 519 Community Centre
Monday May 20 - no rehearsal - Victoria Day
Monday May 27 - rehearsals resume at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm at The 519
Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Melodies of Pride and Progress", Eastminster United Church
Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert, “Pride and Progress”, plus a post concert reception, and other celebratory events, Eastminster United Church.