Welcome to several new members! We are pleased to have you aboard!
1. REHEARSAL January 23, 2023
Rehearsal this Monday, January 23, at St. Barnabas Church, 361 Danforth Avenue, steps from the Chester subway station. 8:00 start.
Andrew Chung expects to rehearse A Stone’s Throw between 8 and 9:00pm and Schumann’s First Symphony, second and third movements, between 9:00 and 10:00pm.
Please note, the rehearsal on Monday January 30 will be a string sectional only.
Musicians are expected to bring their own copy of the music if it’s available on IMSLP. The Schumann link is available in the Musicians’ Only portal on the CCO’s website and here it is again:https://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.1%2C_Op.38_(Schumann%2C_Robert)
Our librarian, Bob Mitchell, has already distributed copies of “A Stone’s Throw” and will have more available at the rehearsal. These must be returned at or after the March 25 concert, and you will be asked to sign for your copy.
If you cannot bring your own copy of the Schumann symphony, please let Bob Mitchell know. He will bring a part for you. Bob's email address is robertmitchell@rogers.com. Unlike in previous years, Bob does not bring copies of all the parts to every rehearsal. Please let him know you need your part as soon as possible.
2. UPCOMING BOARD MEETING, Thursday January 15, 7:30pm
Members of the CCO are entitled under the By-Laws to attend meetings of the Board of Directors, save and except for those parts of the discussion that are held in camera. A Zoom link will be provided for members to join the regular Board meeting if they wish. Contact emitchell1727@gmail.com if you are a member and would like the Zoom link to join the upcoming meeting on Thursday January 15, 2023, at 7:30pm.
Musicians are entitled to attend two trial rehearsals before deciding to become a member of the CCO. The CCO membership fees are reasonable: $75 for the balance of the season (2 concerts) and $40 for students. The Door Volunteer can accept cash or cheques for membership fees. Fees can also be paid through the Counterpoint account on Canada Helps. CCO is a charitable organization and a tax receipt will be issued for all monies received, early in 2024.
St. Barnabas has asked us to keep track of CCO attendance at rehearsals as it is concerned that no strangers enter its space while we are there. Apparently the Church had an incident recently, nothing to do with us, but it is warning its tenants. There is an attendance form at the door.