JANUARY 11, 2024
The CCO is once again delighted to be welcoming several potential new musicians - hope they like us! Many of these Announcements are a repeat from last week, with the additions of a link to a relevant podcast, and a date for a string sectional.
Rehearsals continue Monday, at The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street, 7:30 to 9:30pm. Music Director Andrew Chung will continue rehearsing our major work for the March 23 concert, Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony, Symphony No. 3.
Musicians must print their own music (see paragraph 3 below) and bring a music stand to the rehearsals. Potential new musicians can play two trial rehearsals before deciding whether to join the CCO. Please see the Door Volunteer on arrival at the rehearsal. To become a member, musicians must complete an application form, a Media Consent Form, and pay fees. Fees now are $80 until the end of June; students are half fee. The CCO’s policy is to ensure the requirement to pay fees does not prevent someone from sharing the joy of making music; accordingly, the Chair has the discretion to waive or reduce fees for those who worry payment will cause financial hardship, emitchell17278@gmail.com. If you cannot play at the March 23 concert, please advise Concertmaster Gemma Donn, donn.gemma@gmail.com.
Joshua Weilerstein is an American violinist and internationally acclaimed conductor. He is also a wildly successful podcaster with Sticky Notes, which he describes as:
"Sticky Notes is a classical music podcast for everyone. Whether you are a beginner just looking to get into classical music but don't know where to start, or a seasoned musician interested in the lives and ideas of your fellow artists, this podcast is for you. The show features interviews with the top artists of today, in-depth looks at specific pieces from the repertoire, and more.”
The Sticky Notes episode on Beethoven’s third symphony is a fascinating discussion of a work considered radically different from the symphonies that preceded it, beginning a new era in classical music. The podcast answers questions you will likely have from playing it: is the hero Napoleon or Beethoven himself? why does it open with two strong cords? is the placement of sforzando's as unexpected as they seem? is the Scherzo really a collection of hunting and drinking songs? am I wrong in feeling it’s noisy and long? Listening to this episode is an hour well spent.
If you do not yet have an account on the CCO website, CCorchestra.org, please go on the site and create one following the steps. Any issues, see Tetsuya Kobayashi, flute, at rehearsals or contact him at tty103g@gmail.com.
On the Musicians Only page you will now find links to the music for the March 23 concert, plus photos and recordings of our December concert. Tetsuya provides further details and hyperlinks:
1. Recording of the December concert is up on Musicians Only page for you to enjoy.
2. Various photos from the December Concert are also posted on Musicians Only page. You can also upload media on your own if you’d like to share something with everyone.You do not have to forward it to Tetsuya first.
3. Sheet music for Kozertstuck Op.98 is also available. (Editor’s note: This is the piece that will feature Tetsuya as a soloist on March 23 and we want it to be great!) Musicians must print there own parts - there will not be hard copies provided.
4. IMPORTANT CCO DATES - String Sectional added for January 22
Monday January 15, 2024 - Rehearsals most Mondays, 7:30pm to 9:30pm, at The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street.
Thursday January 18 - Board of Directors Zoom meeting, 7:30pm. Members are entitled to attend. Contact emitchell1727@gmail.com for a link.
Monday January 22 - string sectional at The 519. (No winds or brass required)
Monday February 19 - Family Day. Possibly no rehearsal.
Friday March 22 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Romantic Echoes” at Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. (Chester subway station)
Saturday March 23 - 7:30pm Romantic Echoes Concert, Eastminster United Church
(No rehearsal Monday March 25)
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday. Discussion required re rehearsal or not.
Monday April 8, 7:30pm - rehearsals resume Mondays 7:30 to 9:30pm at The 519 Community Centre
Monday May 20 - no rehearsal - Victoria Day
Monday May 27 - rehearsals resume at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm at The 519
Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal for “Melodies of Pride and Progress", Eastminster United Church
Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert, plus a post concert reception, and other celebratory events, Eastminster United Church.