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JANUARY 23, 2025 

Upcoming rehearsal and a farewell from a Parisienne. 


This Monday, Music Director Andrew Chung wants to rehearse Brahms 1, 3, and 2 movements. 

The rehearsal on Monday February 3 will be a string sectional only. Winds and brass have the evening off. 

Our Librarian, Bob Mitchell, has distributed copies of the oboe concerto.  Should you need a copy, please contact Bob directly at

For A Strange and Preposterous Affair, you can find the Parts, then your own instrument, on the following Google Drive file, which also contains an audio file

Snacks on January 27 - second violins; February 3 sectional - leftovers. February 10 - viola, cello, double bass. 

Musicians - please advise the principal of your section if you cannot attend a rehearsal; winds and brass, please let Andrew Chung know directly. 

Please remember that we are no longer performing the Selections from Callirhoe Suite at our March 22 concert. 


Many musicians met violinist Camille Chopard-Lallier when she played with us for the last  year, loaning her musical skills and lovely personality to the CCO while she sojourned in Canada from her native France with her job. Camille had hoped to catch everyone at the pub following our holiday concert to say her goodbyes, but chose the wrong pub. So Camille emailed a message:

"Hello. I hope you are all doing well. I want to wish to the CCO team all the best for 2025 and to thank you for your work. I  had a wonderful year joining the orchestra. I felt very welcome from the beginning. I loved to play and I made friends, and it

made all the difference in my short Canadian experience. Now I came back to France, I will look for a similar organization.

So thank you very much for everyone (and especially the second violins!) 



Rehearsals are Monday nights, 7:30 to 9:30 at The 519 Community Centre unless otherwise indicated. Musicians need to bring a music stand and their music. A snack for intermission is provided by sections, in rotation: first violins, then seconds, then viola, cello and bass, finally winds, brass and piano. 

Monday January 27 (and Monday’s thereafter unless noted otherwise) - 7:30-9:30 at the 519, 519 Church Street. Snacks: Vn 2; Jan. 27 Leftovers; Feb. 3 Viola, Cello, Dbl Bass

Monday February 3 - string sectional only. Winds & Brass have the evening off 
Thursday February 13 - Board meeting by Zoom, 7:30pm. Members are entitled to attend - ask for an invitation:

Monday February 17 - Family Day, no rehearsal.

Friday March 21, 2025, 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United 

Saturday March 22 - 7:30pm Concert, Eastminster United

Monday March 24 - possible date for resumption of rehearsals. Otherwise they resume March 31 

Monday April 21 - Easter Monday. The 519 will be closed. Discussion required about rehearsing elsewhere. Otherwise they continue April 28.

Monday May 19 - no rehearsal Victoria Day

Friday June 6 - 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United

Saturday June 7 - 7:30pm - Concert, Eastminster United.

July and August 2025 - 1 concert :”CCO & Friends” each month outside in Alan Gardens Park. Small ensembles that include one or more members of the CCO are invited to apply to perform, and all CCO musicians are invited to join for half of the programme.  if you are interested contact Daniel Payne


If you personally are performing somewhere and you would like others to know, you can:

(i) post it in the Musicians’ Only section of the CCO website;

(ii) bring your poster to a rehearsal and leave it at the table at the entrance (musicians may also leave information about other performing opportunities on that table);

(iii) send details to for including in this spot in the next CCO ANNOUNCEMENTS.

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