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JUNE 7, 2024 

Two more rehearsals, one more concert, and the CCO's 2023-24 Concert Season will be a wrap! Let’s hope it’s a spectacular finish. 

In addition to June 15 concert information, these Announcements announce our summer programme (2 concerts plus a picnic) - Daniel is still welcoming performers. 


Andrew Chung has asked us to be ready on Monday for Barber, Copland, Smythe and Bernstein.

Snacks - Second Violins. 

The Banners will again be laid out on tables. You are invited to sign them. We know the lists are not complete. Audience members’ whose names should be on them will be invited to sign at the post-concert reception. It will be busy then (hopefully) so please add your signature or initials, and the years you have played with the CCO. 


(1.) TICKET SALES - are a priority! All members are expected to sell at least 2.  There are lots of “extras” at this concert - you can promise your friends and family in good faith that they will have a memorable evening. Printed tickets are available at rehearsals. Electronic tickets on The concert poster is attached and available at the rehearsal. With the emphasis on the CCO’s history, please make a special effort to invite former members and supporters. 

(2) CONCERT DRESS - The new T shirts are expected at the June 10 or 14 rehearsals. Please bring $20 to pick yours up. Concert dress is all black - either the new shirt or a black one, with black pants or skirt. A videotape is being made of the concert.  

(3) SPECIAL GUESTS - We are expecting a few local political representatives, and each will likely ay a few words at the beginning of the concert. Other special guests will be former members and supporters - identifiable by the CCO sticker on their lapels - good conversation starters at the reception. Another confirmed guest is Angela Swan, the guest of honour at our December 2022 concert when she had became an Officer of the Order of Canada, and member Andrew McClure premiered “Journeys, for Angela”. 

(4) 50/50 RAFFLE will be held during the concert. Emcee Enza Anderson will announce the winner at the end of the concert, before the reception. Cash only for ticket purchases. Please bring small bills and ask your friends and family to do the same. Prizes for the last two raffles were $600 and $500 - a nice prize for a relatively cheap ticket: $5 for one, $10 for three, and $20 for “an arm’s length”. Musicians and most volunteers can participate, so come feeling lucky. 

(5) POST- CONCERT RECEPTION - The  reception immediately follows the concert in the Rofos Hall attached to Eastminster. Background piano music, cookies donated by musicians, cupcakes from Whiskful Thinking, an historical slide show, the public unveiling of “40 Years of Musicians and Milestones”, photo backdrop for selfies - Whew! lots going on. The 40th Anniversary Co-Chairs, David Brownstone and Trish Tervit, will do a celebratory “toast” (with soft drinks and water) at about 10:30pm. Please plan to attend. 


  • please donate cookies for the reception. A volunteer will collect contributions when you arrive on concert night;

  • Dress Rehearsal starts at 7:00pm on Friday. Please arrive by 6:30. No Green Room on Friday;  

  • the Green Room will be available for the entire evening on June 15. Instruments may be left there, and the door will be locked during the reception, with a key available to let musicians in to collect their stuff if they want to leave;

  • nothing special happens during the concert intermission (except fabulous conversation), and the Rofos Hall will not be open; 

  • the Rofos Hall is only accessible to the CCO at 5:00 on Saturday, for reception set-up. However, the banners should be hung by 7:00pm, or shortly before, and should look impressive, taking up a full wall. Please arrive at Eastminster at 6:30pm on Saturday and be ready to move quickly to the Rofos Hall at 7:00pm, or shortly before, for an Orchestra Anniversary Photo in front of the banners. No more than 10 minutes so we can still get on stage early;

  • Although the concert in the Sanctuary will be videotaped, we do not have a still photographer. Please take lots of candid photos of this special evening and post them on the Members’ Only portal; 

  • We have to clear the Rofos Hall by 11:15, and clean up and be gone before midnight. We’ll ask the custodian on Friday if we can leave the stage and Sanctuary packing up until 11:15 too so that the CCO’s volunteers can come to the reception. Help with cleaning and packing both spaces will be appreciated. 


Daniel Payne announces the following: 

Thank you to everyone who completed the summer concerts in Allan Gardens survey. After reviewing the responses, and with Board support, we are pleased to announce that there will be two summer performances for “CCO and Friends” this summer: Sunday June 28, and Sunday August 11 (with a picnic to follow). For both, we welcome CCO players to participate; if you are available complete the RSVP form after reading the concert details: 

JULY 28, 2:00 to 4:00pm

  • First violinist Joana Angeles has formed an ensemble with her students and invites CCO musicians to join their performance. If you are available please print out:

Under the sea, The Little Mermaid (piano score, but spend time rehearsing or transposing your parts beforehand and we can improvise)

  • Note: there is time for another small ensemble to perform after Joana’s group for about 30 minutes. If you are interested, complete the RSVP form. Selections will be made on a first-come, first served basis.

AUGUST 11, 2:00 to 4:00pm: 

  • Bassoonist Kevin Seymour and his quintet Windwerx will perform; a group made up of present and former members of the CCO. 

  • Following the concert will be a performance by as many CCO members as can attend, playing at least the first movement of:

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. (Scroll down to find your instrumental part; note these parts might be used for Joana's concert on July 28 as well)
  • This concert will be followed by a CCO picnic to thank the musicians who made the summer concerts possible, and is open to all CCO members, whether they play or not, to say hello before the 2024/25 season starts. Light refreshments will be provided by the Board. 

  • Note: This is in the early stages of consideration, but the CBC is potentially interested in filming our Allan Gardens performances and the community outreach we are providing.  More details will follow. 


The Friends of Allan Gardens (FOAG) group is enthusiastic about the CCO sharing its music in the Park for the fourth year in a row. It has volunteered to co-sponsor the concerts and will advertise the performances through their posters, social media, and website. 

We will play in the same area as last year: in the garden space south of the Children's Conservatory (called the Teaching Garden) on the west side of the Park. If it rains on either date, FOAG welcomes us to play in the Conservatory - a memorable location as performers from last July 20, 2023 will recall, when we played during a dramatic thunderstorm!

To RSVP or request a chamber performance on July 28thComplete the this form]


Monday June 10 - rehearsal at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm. Snacks: Second Violins Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. Please arrive at 6:30.

Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert, “Melodies of Pride and Progress with violinist Jaedon Daly”, plus a post concert reception, Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Avenue. Please arrive at 6:30pm. Concert Dress. Orchestra Group Anniversary Photo around 7:00pm.

Thursday July 4 - 7:30pm - Board of Directors meeting by Zoom. Members may attend. Email for an invitation July 28 - “CCO & FRIENDS CONCERT”, 2:00-4:00, Allan Gardens Park, featuring Joana Angeles and students; CCO musicians are invited to join them. Small ensemble performance opportunity still available. complete the RSVP formSunday August 11 - “CCO & FRIENDS CONCERT’, 2:00-4:00, Allan Gardens Park, featuring Kevin Seymour and Windwerx. CCO musicians’ performance to follow. CCO Picnic to follow. complete the RSVP form

The Announcements will be published once in July and once in August - before the summer concerts. Please post gigs you want others to know about on the Members’ Only portal. 

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