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Writer's picture: Tetsuya KTetsuya K

OCTOBER 31, 2024 

Enjoy Hallowe’en - and enjoy reading about our upcoming rehearsal, our AGM, and our Dec. 7 concert. 


November 4 - soloist, Emily Li, will be attending this rehearsal, playing the Bell Tree - see her photo on our new poster, below. Music Director Andrew Chung has dedicated the entirety of the rehearsal to the Concerto for Castings. The composer of this work, Michael Glasgow, currently plans to attend our Dec. 7 concert. [Snacks - Second Violins]

November 11 - Kye Marshall, the Canadian composer of Why Not Blues, will be attending this rehearsal. (Apology- an incorrect date for Ms Marshall’s attendance appeared in last week’s Announcements.. It’s now been confirmed for Nov. 11.) Ms Marshall will be starting  with us at 7:30pm and is looking forward to meeting some of the musicians at the break.  [Snacks - Viola and Cello] 

A reminder that links to the music are on the CCO website,, in the Musicians’ Only portal. Musicians are expected to print their own music and bring a music stand to the rehearsals. 


The CCO’s Annual General Meeting will start at 7:30pm on November 18, at The 519 Community Centre, 519 Church Street. 

Here is the Agenda for the AGM:

In the interest of reducing printing costs, a few days before the AGM, CCO members will receive relevant documents by email - ie, the Minutes of the 2023-’24 AGM, Financial Statements, Treasurer’s Report, and other documents. Please read them in advance, bring your own copy or a device on which you can read them to the meeting.

Only members can vote on motions brought at the AGM, including for the election of Directors, and only members can stand for election as a Director. If you have not already done so, please pay your fees to be added to the membership list. The Door Volunteers can accept your fees (and forms) or you can pay electronically to - please include the name of the person for whom the fees are being paid. 

[November 18 snacks will be provided by the current Board members.] 


Our December 7 concert, “Bells & Glitter”, is fast approaching. 

Posters: As always, we have a great poster to advertise our concert - thanks to Lee-Ann Ngu and Tetsuya Kobayashi. Please pick some up from the Door Volunteers at the rehearsal on Monday, post them around your neighbourhood and in your favourite cafes, and send a copy electronically to your mailing list of friends and family. 

Tickets: Ticket prices remain the same as other years: $20 for adults, $12 for youth. 

All musicians are expected to sell two tickets to each concert. Tickets will be available starting at Monday’s rehearsal. We will sell tickets electronically as well - see the next Announcements for how to do this. 

Refreshments: during the concert intermission, cookies and water will be served. The fact that the musicians donate the cookies for our audience has proven to be very popular and results in significant contributions to the CCO donation jars on the cookie tables. Please put on your apron and make some of your favourite holiday cookies! 

50/50 Raffle: The 50/50 raffle has become a popular CCO fundraiser as well, so we will hold a 50/50 raffle again at the holiday concert. Please tell your contacts that the previous winners have won over $500! They should be sure to come primed to spend $20 on an arm’s length of tickets.


Rehearsals are Monday nights, 7:30 to 9:30 at The 519 Community Centre unless otherwise indicated. 

Monday Nov. 4  - Rehearsal 7:30 at The 519. Guest: Soloist Emily Li and the Concerto for Castings [Snacks: Second Violins. (Nov. 4 - Cello and Viola)] 

Monday Nov. 11 - Rehearsal at the 519. Guest: Kye Marshall, composer of Why Not Blues [Snacks Cello and Viola]

Thursday November 14 - Board meeting by Zoom. Members can attend. Contact for an invitation. 

Monday November 18 - Annual General Meeting for the first 45 minutes of the rehearsal. Election of Directors to the Board.[Snacks - current Directors] 

Friday December 6, 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United, 310 Danforth (Chester subway) 

Saturday December 7, 7:30pm - CCO Holiday Concert, "Bells & Glitter”, Eastminster United 310 Danforth Ave. (Chester station)

Mondays January 6 and after (excluding statutory holidays) - Rehearsals resume, 7:30 to 9:30 at the 519 Community Centre 

Monday February 17 - Family Day, no rehearsal.

Monday February 24 - rehearsals resume

Friday March 21, 2025, 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United 

Saturday March 22 - 7:30pm Concert, Eastminster United

Monday March 24 - possible date for resumption of rehearsals. Otherwise they resume on March 31 

Monday April 21 - Easter Monday. The 519 will be closed. Discussion required about rehearsing elsewhere this night (or not). Otherwise they continue April 28.

Monday May 19 - no rehearsal Victoria Day

Monday May 26 - rehearsals resume 

Friday June 6 - 7:00 to 10:00pm - Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United

Saturday June 7 - 7:30pm - Concert, Eastminster United.


If you personally are performing in a concert or gig you would like others to know about, you can:

(i) post it in the Musicians’ Only section of the CCO website;(ii) bring your poster to a rehearsal and leave it at the table at the entrance to the rehearsal venue; (iii) send details to for including in this spot in the CCO ANNOUNCEMENTS.

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