OCTOBER 28, 2023 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 1. DECEMBER 9 HOLIDAY CONCERT Our holiday concert is only a few weeks away. Please circulate the poster below electronically to all your friends and family, so that they save the date. We will have printed copies of the poster plus the tickets available at the November 6 rehearsal. Everyone is expected to sell at least 5 tickets, and volunteer Helen Li will issue the tickets to you, and accept your money for them. We will be rehearsing with soprano Rebecca Gray on November 20, at Holy Name Parish as The 519 is not available. 2. UPCOMING REHEARSALS: At The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm., on October 30, 2023 we will be rehearsing The Nutcracker Suite and ‘Twas the Night before Christmas. Music links are available on the Musicians Only portal on CCOrchestra.org. Please remember to check your name on the Attendance Sheet; both The 519 and the CCO keep track. The Door Volunteers also have a list of Eligible Voters for the Annual General Meeting. A Member in Good Standing is a person who had completed the two forms plus either paid dues or made an arrangement to do so before October 6, 2023. If your name is not on the list and you think it should be, please email emitchell1727@gmail.com. To see how 'Twas the Night Before Christmas is performed with an orchestra and a narrator, you may enjoy this Youtube performance of the Bill Holcombe score:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCeGi1xJTHE. (although the CCO version will be more fun since our narrator is drag star Fay Slift.) Please do not attend the rehearsal if you are unwell, and wear a mask for your own protection, if you so chose, or as a courtesy to others if you have recently had a cold or flu. The Door Volunteers have free masks. Advance notice that The 519 has a conflict on November 20 - we have booked Holy Name Parish for the rehearsal that night. 3. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, NOV. 6, 7:00PM: NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE AND TIME Timing: The CCO’s AGM will be during the regular rehearsal on November 6, 2023. We are starting the rehearsal early in order to accommodate the interruption. November 6: rehearsal 7:00pm to 8:00pm; AGM 8:00pm until 8:45pm; rehearsal resumes after a short break until 10:00pm. Venue: Holy Name Parish, 71 Gough Avenue. The Church is at the corner of Gough and the Danforth, one block west of the Pape subway station. The entrance is at the side on Gough Avenue. The 519 is not available that evening. AGM Documents: Members in Good Standing received some of the AGM documents last week, and will receive more this coming week. The amount of documentation is pretty extensive. There will be only a small number of printed copies available at the AGM. Please bring your electronic copy or print your own copies for the AGM. Non-members, such as new musicians and persons who did not complete the membership requirements by October 6, are welcome to attend the AGM, although they cannot vote. The printed copies of the materials are for them for interest only, or you be requested from emitchell1727@gmail.com. There will be several motions at the AGM requiring a vote of the Members in Good Standing, including elections of the Directors for the upcoming season. Please check the Membership List of eligible voters that the Door Volunteer will have at the upcoming rehearsal to determine if your name is on it. 4. APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP If you are musician and have attended two or more CCO rehearsals, your application forms and membership fees are due. Forms below. Please pay the Door Volunteers at the rehearsal by cash or cheque or send your fees electronically to treasurer@ccorchestra.org, with a note saying who the fee payment is for. Both forms and fees can be submitted at the rehearsals to a Door Volunteer. Fees right now are $120, or $60 for students. If fee payment is causing you financial hardship, please speak to the Chair for a reduction or waiver, or email her at emitchell1727@gmail.com. Financial hardship should not be a reason to miss out on the joy of making music together. 5. IMPORTANT CCO DATES Monday October 30 - 7:30 to 9:30 (doors open at 7:00) - rehearsal at The 519 Monday November 6 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm - AGM + Rehearsal. New Location: Holy Name Parish, 71 Gough Ave. (on the Danforth at Gough), 1 block west of Pape Station. Monday November 13 - at The 519, 7:30pm. Trish Tervit, Co-Chair of the 40th Anniversary Planning Committee, will bring members up to date on the plans for the 40th Anniversary Concert on June 15. Plan to volunteer! Monday November 20 - New Location: Holy Name Parish, 71 Gough Avenue (Pape station). Rehearsal to include Rebecca Gray, soprano. Thursday November 24 - tentative date for first meeting of the new Board of Directors. If you would like to attend, please request a Zoom link from emitchell1727@gmail.com. Monday November 27 - rehearsals resume Mondays at The 519. Friday December 8 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal, East End United Church (formerly Eastminster United), 310 Danforth (Chester Station) Saturday December 9 - 7:30pm Concert, East End United Church. Members are asked to bring holiday cookies for the intermission. (No rehearsals Dec. 11, 18, 25, or Jan. 1) Monday January 8, 2024 - Rehearsals resume Mondays, 7:30pm, at The 519 Friday March 22 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal, East End United Saturday March 23 - 7:30pm Concert, East End United (No rehearsal Monday March 25) Monday April 1 - Easter Monday. Discussion required re rehearsal or not. Monday April 8, 7:30pm - rehearsals resume Mondays 7:30pm at The 519 (No rehearsal Monday May 20 - Victoria Day) Monday May 27 - rehearsal at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal, East End United Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert and other celebratory events, East End United
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