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APRIL 26, 2024 


This Monday is the last day we are collecting shirt orders at the rehearsal before going to the supplier. 

Please order your shirt on the form provided with the Door Volunteer, or email You must include your size - check it against the manufacturer’s specifications at manufacturer's description and sizing chart  Available from small to 5XL. Single gender sizing.  Once the order goes to the supplier, it can’t be changed and you have to pay for your order, regardless of how it fits. 

You do not need to pay until the shirts arrive. Cost: $20 for musicians; $25 for non-players. You can order more than one shirt at a time. 

A tip on sizing: lie your favourite-fit Tee shirt flat; measure across the chest. Use that measurement to chose the size polo shirt you want on the manufacturer’s chart.

It’s such a great design (thanks to Katya and Tai) - we are hoping everyone wears one! If you are playing the concert and committed to wearing the shirt but purchasing it would cause you financial hardship, please speak to Liz at the rehearsal, or send a confidential email to, including your size. 


Our featured soloist, Jaedon Daly, is expected to join us on Monday! 

Andrew Chung has asked us to come prepared with the Samuel Barber work (Movements 1 and 2 only), and to also prepare the Britten and Smythe works. 

Musicians must bring their own sheet music and music stand to the rehearsal at the 519. The CCO website,, Musicians’ Only portal has most of the sheet music for June 15’s concert, click the links below: (Please login before accessing)

See CCO Librarian, Bob Mitchell, at the rehearsal for copies of the Tender Land Suite and the Barber Violin Concerto. These must be signed for and returned at the end of the June 15 concert. This music is rented. The CCO will be charged $50 for each missing or damaged copy, and it offends the terms of our rentals to make or keep copies. 

Memories: Concert photos are available on the CCO website, Musicians’ Only page > Photo Gallery > Romantic Echoes. You can add your own photos by clicking “Add Media” on the right side corner - please do so as there will be a slide show plus photo books at the June 15 concert and some of the photos will come from the website:

Video recordings of the March 23 concert are also available as follows:  


(i) 2024-’25 Board of Directors: Last night, at the Board meeting, Russell Westkirk became the Board’s Secretary. Thank you Russell. 

Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting, in September or October. There will be vacancies. If you would like to sit on the Board, or know someone who would, please contact  The Directors get involved in all kinds of issues: fundraising, marketing, concert planning, programming, finances, etc. Non-musicians are welcome on the Board. Please invite friends and family to express an interest. 

(ii) John Alonso: John is a pianist, a former member of the CCO, and has performed as a soloist with the CCO several times. John heard about the anniversary concert and has volunteered to provide background music at the reception. Thank you John! 

(iii) Ad Space in the June 15 Programme: We are selling ad space in the June 15 Anniversary programme. We need volunteers to reach out to neighbourhood businesses in the Village, Riverdale, Parliament Street, and wherever someone is connected with a business. Volunteers or advertisers please email:

(iv) The Poster Project on June 15: The list of musicians who have played at least one concert with the CCO is now about 600 names! Real evidence of the extent of the CCO’s impact in the community. We also have lists of soloists, conductors, etc. These lists will be posted at the concert reception. We know they are incomplete - we did not have a full set of concert programmes going back 40 years. Musicians who were involved but whose names are missing can write their name on the posters at the appropriate place - correcting the record for the 50th Anniversary. Also  posted will be a banner of “Interesting Facts in the CCO’s History”. A draft of this poster will be on the Musicians’ Only portal on the website - please email if you know something interesting that could be added to this list. Please spread the details about the June 15 concert to everyone who has been involved with the CCO in the past, and ask them to identify themselves to the volunteers at the concert. 

(v) More CCO Support from Whiskful Thinking Bakery, 72 Wellesley East (just east of Church St.):  This relatively new business has donated cookies to two CCO concerts already. Now, it is naming the CCO as the beneficiary of its fundraising initiative for the entire month of May. There will be a designated CCO pastry - the cost goes to us. In addition, there will be CCO literature on display. Director Daniel Payne will hang out there on a couple of Saturday afternoons to tell customers about the CCO and our upcoming concert.  If you would like to join him or spend some time there yourself email Daniel at And Everyone eat doughnuts in May! 

(ii) Summer 2024 - stay tuned for more information about  “Friends of Counterpoint” - the opportunity for you to perform outside in Allan Gardens with a small ensemble, whether in your established group or in a gathering of friends who would just like to perform together this summer. 


Mondays April 29 and thereafter - rehearsals 7:30 to 9:30, at The 519. Snacks April 29: First Violins. (Snacks May 6: violas and cellos) Thursday May 16, 7:30pm - Board of Directors Meeting, by Zoom. Members are entitled to attend. Email for a Zoom link. Monday May 20 - no rehearsal - Victoria Day 

Monday May 27 - rehearsals resume at The 519, 7:30 to 9:30pm

Friday June 14 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm Dress Rehearsal, Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave.

Saturday, June 15 - 7:30pm 40th Anniversary Concert, “Melodies of Pride and Progress with violinist Jaedon Daly”, plus a post concert reception, and other celebratory events, Eastminster United Church. 


If you personally are performing in a concert or gig you would like others to know about, you can:

(i) post it in the Musicians’ Only section of the CCO website;(ii) put the poster or a note on the table at the door at the rehearsals; (iii) send details to for including in this spot in the CCO ANNOUNCEMENTS.

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