Summary: muCounterpoint’s AGM is this coming Monday. These Announcements deal with that meeting and start with our conductor’s message about what we will be rehearsing this Monday after the AGM finishes.
First, however, an update. The CCO’s performance at the “People, Power and the Park” Festival in Allan Gardens last Sunday was canceled due to rain. Although the cancellation was very disappointing, the Board is pleased that the Festival’s organizers had invited the CCO to perform this year and have assured us we’ll be invited again next year. Thank you very much to all the members who volunteered for the Festival. The music would have been wonderful! Thank you to the musicians who volunteered to perform, and to be featured performers, and thank you to those who volunteered to staff the CCO’s community table to explain the CCO and its programmes to everyone who stopped by.
This Monday we will rehearse Hansel und Gretel, Mozart’s clarinet concerto second movement and Mozart’s Exsultate, Jubilante ( Exsultate, jubilate, K.165/158a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus) - IMSLP: Free Sheet Music PDF Download
Overture to Hansel und Gretel (Vorspiel) - Humperdinck,_Engelbert)
Exsultate, jubilate, K.165/158a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus) - IMSLP: Free Sheet Music PDF Download
The CCO’s AGM is this coming Monday, October 3, for the first hour of the rehearsal. There will be a Zoom link for members who cannot attend (attached).
We will be discussing and voting on motions concerning:
(i) acceptance of the Minutes from last year’s AGM (attached);
(ii) adoption of the 2022 AGM Agenda (attached);
(iii) acceptance of the Chairperson’s Report (attached);
(iv) approval of the Treasurer’s Report, which will include a motion required by the Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act about financial reviews;
(v) approval of the Revised By-Laws (attached);
(vi) Election of Directors:
Four Directors are continuing to serve for their second year in office: David Brownstone, Andrew Lam, Elizabeth Mitchell, Daniel Payne, and Holly Price. Two Directors, Chairperson Bob Bentley and Treasurer Kevin Uchikata, have reached the maximum terms allowed (6 years!!!!) and are retiring from the Board, although, thankfully, both have agreed to continue as volunteers. In addition, to the vacancies their retirements create, there are two additional Director positions vacant.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the AGM for the four available Director positions. An election will be held for each one, either by show of hands or by ballot if any member requests a ballot; the nominee must be elected by the majority of the members in attendance at the meeting.
Please check with the volunteers at the door to ensure your name is on the list of members eligible to vote.
Membership fees for the 2022-’23 CCO season are $100.00 (subject to pro-ration after the December concert, and potentially waived by the Board on request and with grounds). These become due on October 4.
Attached is the Application for the Membership form for 2022-’23, and a COVID Risk Acknowledgment form. These forms will also be available on rehearsal nights for the next couple of weeks. Payment at the door can be by cheque or by cash; payment electronically will await implementation by the new Board.
(i) Zoom Link to the AGM Topic: CCO Annual General Meeting, Zoom Link Time: Oct 3, 2022 08:00 PM America/Toronto Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 1054 6071 Passcode: 392621 (ii) 2022 AGM Agenda (iii) Minutes from the 2021 AGM (iii) Report of the Chairperson (iv) Revised By-Laws (v) Application for Membership 2022-’23 & Risk Acknowledgment 2022-’23